Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1/21 - Market Analysis

SPX - unsure on tomorrow

SPY - still in downtrend

RKH - huge volume

XLF - at resistance

USO - bullish if it can add to gains tomorrow

VIX - headfake yesterday?

A/D - pretty bullish

ETFs - XLF and XLE lead for a change...good for bulls...

Analysis: unsure where all the buying came from news, no support, so why the hell did it do so well? and on good volume too...i don't understand...maybe just a reaction to show how bullshit yesterday's action was? i dunno...anyway...we had good news from AAPL after the bell and more earnings 2m from GOOG...maybe tech will lead the market making for a 2nd straight day of gains...for now though, i sit confused on what happened today...stock picking is the best for tomorrow...SPX will only confuse u...

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