Monday, March 10, 2008

Give me some of that Apple by Brian Quan

It looks like some uncertainty in the Apple stock. We're moving sideways! Buyers and sellers are fighting. The trend looks clear cut since the end of January. Let's sit back and see who wins. I wouldn't buy at this point. It can easily go either way.

The game's being played between $115 and $130. I'm hesitant to predict an uptrend or downtrend until we see it fall further from the spread. Even then, the market's still down. Could we be flattening out soon? far as Apple is concerned? The last time we were this flat in the Apple stock was in June of the same price! There was another low in mid August at the same price again. And now we're at $120 for the 3rd time in 6 months. What does this mean????

It means Apple's stock is getting ready for a change! For better or worse. Let's wait and see.

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