Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7/15 - Market Says

Bulls starting to get a slight upperhand...but its not over yet...

SPX - side with resistance

SPY - bullish

DJIA - bullish til resistance

COMPQ - bullish but resistance

RKH - bullish

COPPER - side

BDI - bearish

VIX - possible reversal for SPX

VXN - bullish for COMPQ

ETFs - bullish sectors are most imporant


ISEE - bullish equities, bearish indexes as they move in opposite directions (rare)

Analysis: as i thought, head and shoulders was too obvious and the market didn't want to make it so easy for the investors...we had the huge runup today despite looking very bearish even as late as yesterday....but the vix is making me very far it has been a good leading indicator for the indexes...and when there is a divergence, usually the VIX wins the predictions...i really wonder if that will happen again...usu. when there is divergence in VIX, there is also a divergence in ISEE but not today...only the index options did...that makes me think that today might be some kind of profit taking or something else thats not usually a factor in the calculation of vix. for now, just stay long but be careful that we can possibly get a huge whipsaw back down as soon as tomorrow as we are having options ex and big tech earnings in the next few days

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