Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rino's Analysis of Vice Presidential Debate

Governor Sarah Palin

She certainly brought out her character tonight. She was vibrant, youthful, and energetic. She landed the first punch before things even got started by asking Senator Biden, “Can I call you Joe?” She held her own out there although she had a bit of a shaky voice early on. She looked straight at the camera through the entire debate, practically brain washing the viewers into repeating “John McCain is a Maverick.” She was vocal when it came to the issue of energy and drilling for oil in Alaska. I personally do not endorse her proposal to increase domestic oil production because it’ll be nothing but a “bailout plan” for our energy crisis. But she believes in it 100% and that’s respectable.

However, apparently that’s all she’s decided to, or rather was allowed to, share with the public. Because the content of everything else she spoke about was either: 1) casually conversing with the public viewers 2) readdressing McCain’s agenda that was less convincing than hearing from McCain himself 3) restating everything that’s a “given” to fill up time. I personally would have liked to hear more about her own beliefs and opinions. Then again, Republican campaign strategists might be smart to limit her freedom of speech. When she was asked about the role of the vice president, she indicated that she’d like to have more power as a vice president. I felt that she slipped on this issue, because current events include Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke both requesting greater power at their respective positions. Senator Biden was quick to make comparison to Vice President Dick Cheney and called it “dangerous.”

Governor Palin did what was asked of her and she seemed have passed. The problem is that they didn’t asked her to do much. She acknowledged that she’s been in this position for only 5 weeks now and that she’s not made any promises. It may be a good thing to not make any empty promises, but to propose nothing of her own, shows the lack of contribution to their agenda. Aside from the visuals, I really don’t know what she adds to the Republican ticket.

Senator Joe Biden

Joe needs to ease off on Botox. That man’s forehead is looking like that of Frankenstein’s. But he can talk and he did just that tonight. As Palin did, he readdressed Obama’s agenda. But he added to it by mentioning new ideas such as exporting clean coal production technology to China, which I think is absolutely wonderful. He also knows John McCain better than Obama or Palin. They’ve both worked in the Congress for years and he was able to knock down John McCain’s past decisions which Obama was unable to do. He brought more facts to the table, mentioning strict numbers in his debate. He dominated foreign policy discussion and the exit plan for war on Iraq was hands down a win for the Democrats. Both John McCain and Sarah Palin called it unpatriotic to retreat before winning the war in Iraq. But what’s the definition of that win? What achievement concludes US’s victory? It’s hard to rally support with the propaganda of “Let’s go win this war” when the war is 7 years old.

Senator Biden has a cat burglar like smile. He has strong views that clashes with Obama’s views. Governor Palin tried to expose their differences and Senator Biden carefully avoided causing friction between him and Obama. However, there’s no denying that he’s the more knowledgeable and experienced vice presidential candidate. When the most important question of the night was asked, my vote went to Senator Biden. Because it would sooth me more to see Senator Biden, earning the respect of fellow politicians and leading this nation, if an unforeseen tragedy were to take the President away, than to watch Governor Palin winking her way to presidency.

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